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Arabic Language Program
Arabic Language Program
About Arabic:
Arabic is a prestigious language with a long rich history! It has been the medium of many outstanding contributions to the development of science and culture, from the literary treasures of the pre-Islamic poets through to the pioneering research of the Muslim philosophers and mathematicians during the golden age of the Muslim civilization, to the novels of Naguib Mahfouz, the Nobel laureate. Put it simply, the modern world wouldn’t be what it is today without the footprint of the Arab culture.
Nowadays, Arabic is one of the world's great languages spoken by more than 400 million people distributed across the Arab World, from Qatar and the UAE in the east to Morocco in the west and from Syria and Iraq in the north to the Sudan and Somalia in the south. Not only is Arabic distributed across the Arab world, but it is spoken in parts of Iran, Turkey, Chad, Mali and Eritrea as well! It is the first official language in all Arab countries as well as being something of a lingua franca of Muslims worldwide. Being one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, it is not surprising that Arabic is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. Arabic has a graceful script, a magnificent style and a rich vocabulary that give it a unique character and flavor among the world languages!
Your Valid Reasons to Learn Arabic!
Learning Arabic will definitely open up new doors and limitless opportunities for you! A rich language, spoken as the first formal language throughout the Arab world, and used by more than 400 million people in total, is rewarding to learn! A knowledge of Arabic is a gateway to gaining a real understanding of the peoples, Arab societies and of what is going around you. It is a means of entry to a range of employment opportunities in the region. A demand to learn Arabic will still grow as long as its economic, social, political importance increases. Moving away from misleading stereotypes and gaining a full real understanding of the Arab world is not going to happen before you get to know the Arabic language!
Moreover, you also live and work in Doha and there are so many Middle Eastern countries around you to visit! It always helps if you can approach the locals in their language and understand their culture better.